Vancouver erhu soloist/vocalist/composer Lan Tung and cellist Bo Peng have teamed up to create a unique repertoire, ranging from original compositions to arrangements of Chinese folk and classical melodies, incorporating improvisation and diverse influences, such as Indian and Central Asian music. The expressive sound of the erhu/Chinese violin sits in the mid to high register, very similar to the female voices, while the cello’s deep warm sound resembles the male voices. The two instruments complement each other well, capable of creating beautiful harmonies, graceful melodies, and energetic rhythms. Their sounds are completed by the rich colours of percussion, performed by Martin Fisk.

Repertoire 曲目
Bengalila – Lan Tung for erhu, cello, (percussion)
From the Stars 星空 (2017, 2018) – Lan Tung for erhu, vocal, cello & percussion
Gan Sheng Ling 趕牲靈 – arr. Lan Tung for vocal, erhu, cello, (percussion)
New Year’s Eve 良宵 – arr. Lan Tung for erhu & cello
Rain Crossing – Lan Tung for erhu & cello
Double Happiness 雙喜 (2014) – Lan Tung for erhu & cello
Harvest of the Grapes 葡萄熟了– arr. Lan Tung for erhu, cello, (percussion)
Autumn Moonlight on the Peaceful Lake 平湖秋月 – arr. Lan Tung for erhu, cello, (percussion)
彭波 – 大提琴
出生於上海,6歲隨母親學琴﹐之後被選入上海音樂學院附小,1990年畢業於上海音樂學院附中。1991年獲全額獎學金赴美深造,1992年獲全額獎學金轉學北德州立大學音樂學院(University of North Texas),1996年取得大提琴演奏學士學位。同年獲紐約州伊斯曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of Music) 全額獎學金攻讀大提琴演奏碩士。1998~2000年間師從當代大提琴大師 Janos Starker,於印第安那大學取得演奏家文憑 (Indiana University) 。移居溫哥華时,曾候選英屬哥倫比亞大學大提琴演奏博士學位,並担任助教。1987年﹐彭波獲得中國全國大提琴比賽少年組第一名,捷克布拉格之春國際青年室內樂比賽第三名﹐之後應新加坡交響樂團之邀赴東南亞巡迴演出﹐並為香港 Denon 哥倫比亞公司灌製CD。1991年及1993年,獲得全美音樂教師協會弦樂組第一名。
彭波曾參加歐美許多著名的音樂節,並與溫哥華鋼琴三重奏Vancouver Piano Trio、Borealis String Quartet等樂團巡演亞洲、歐洲、北美。曾與Richmond Orchestra and Chorus 合作演出 Dvorak Cello Concerto;與哥倫比亞大學鋼琴教授 Eugen Skovorodnikov 及来自圣彼得堡的小提琴家 Victor Kuleshov 演出 Beethoven Triple Concerto。2012年受著名小提琴家胡乃元之邀擔任首席大提琴,参加Taiwan Connection音樂節台湾巡演。彭波曾任德州 Irving Symphony Orchestra和印第安那州 Columbus Philharmonic Orchestra 首席大提琴﹐並曾加入 Dallas Opera Orchestra、Richardson Symphony Orchestra、Civic Orchestra of Chicago、Vacouver Symphony Orchestra 、Vancouver Opera Orchestra,與當代著名指揮家 Pierre Boulez、Daniel Barenboim、Anshel Brusilov 等合作演出。彭波目前任教於昆特蘭工艺大學 Kwantlen Polytechnical University、VSO 音樂學院、Richmond Music School、Delta Community School of Music、Guildford School of Music。自2102年夏天,彭波應邀擔任義大利 Casalmaggiore International Music Festival大提琴教授,并创立 Cellissimo 大提琴重奏組合。
董籃 – 二胡、演唱、作曲
活躍於現代音樂、世界音樂、即興音樂的舞台上,董籃於1997年創辦蘭韻樂團(Orchid Ensemble)、2007年非鳥樂隊(Birds of Paradox)、2012年Proliferasian樂隊、2015年龍吟滄海樂團(Sound of Dragon Ensemble)。2014年創辦每兩年舉辦的龍吟滄海音樂節 (Sound of Dragon Music Festival) 並擔任藝術總監。董籃曾與溫哥華交響樂團、蒙特利爾大都會交響樂團、溫哥華跨文化管弦樂團、Nova Scotia交響樂團、阿姆斯特丹Atlas樂團、溫哥華轉捩點樂團(Turning Point Ensemble)、臺灣小巨人絲竹樂團合作,演出二胡/人聲協奏曲,包括董籃自己及其他加拿大作曲家的作品。
除中國音樂外,董籃深受印度音樂、佛朗明哥、西方現代音樂、實驗性音樂的影響,其創作樂曲涵蓋室內樂、中型樂隊、爵士與世界音樂、舞台劇、舞劇、短片。董籃錄有多張唱片,贏得美國國際獨立音樂獎,及獲加拿大朱諾音樂獎、 加西音樂獎、加拿大民俗音樂獎、加拿大西岸音樂獎等多項提名。入選CBC國家廣播電台年度最佳唱片,加拿大全國大專院校校園廣播電台國際音樂播出率第二名。
董籃曾就讀臺灣師大附中、中國文化大學音樂系,並多次贏得臺灣音樂比賽二胡第一名。師事黃正銘、陳淑芬、李鎮東、吳贛伯、陳潔冰、張方鳴。聲樂老師包括郭月足與Joseph Shore。更遠赴印度、埃及、新疆、內蒙,與小提琴家Kala Ramnath、Alfred Gamil、艾捷克演奏家Abdukerim Osman、馬頭琴演奏家巴雅爾學習,將當地傳統音樂移植於二胡。於阿姆斯特丹與小提琴家Mary Oliver學習即興演奏。赴歐洲與著名作曲家/即興演奏家Barry Guy學習圖形記譜(Graphic Notation),以突破傳統五線譜作曲的框架。
Bo Peng – cello
Bo Peng holds a Bachelor of Music in Cello Performance from the University of North Texas, a Master of Music from the Eastman School of Music, and a Performer’s Diploma from the Indiana University where he studied with distinguished cellist Janos Starker. His teachers also included Steven Doane, Carter Enyeart, Marc Johnson and Eric Wilson. Bo was a two-time winner of the Music Teacher National Association Competitions (Strings Division); he also won the 3rd prize in the International Chamber Music Competition of the Czech Radio’s “Spring of Prague”.
Bo has toured Japan, Taiwan, China, Canada, Europe, and the US as a soloist and with various ensembles, including the Vancouver Piano Trio, Borealis String Quartet, and the trio with Robert Rozek and Eric Wilson. He has performed Dvorak Cello Concerto with Vancouver Philharmonic and Richmond Orchestra and Chorus, Beethoven Triple Concerto with pianist Eugen Skovorodnikov and violinist Victor Kuleshov. In 2012, Bo Peng was appointed the principal cellist of the Taiwan Connection Music Festival, under the directorship of violinist Nai Yuan Hu to tour throughout Taiwan.
Bo has been a sectional coach of the Dallas Youth Orchestra and taught at the Dallas Private School District. Currently, he teaches at Kwantlen Polytechnical University, VSO School of Music, Richmond Music School, Delta Community School of Music, and Guildford School of Music. Since summer 2012, Bo has joined the faculty of Casalmaggiore International Music Festival in Italy.
Lan Tung – erhu & vocal
Crossing between Vancouver’s new music, improvised music and world music scenes, Lan Tung is the artistic director of Orchid Ensemble, Sound of Dragon Society, and Proliferasian. Lan has appeared as a soloist with Orchestre Metropolitain (Montreal) and Symphony Nova Scotia, and as a soloist/composer with Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Turning Point Ensemble, Upstream Ensemble (Halifax), Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra (Vancouver & Toronto), Atlas Ensemble (Amsterdam & Helsinki), and Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra (Taipei).
Lan Tung’s music often experiments with contradictions by taking culturally specific materials outside their context. Her works embody the rhythmic intricacy from Indian influence, the sense of breath/space from Chinese tradition, and many years of experiences in interpreting contemporary Canadian compositions. Incorporating improvisation and graphic notations, Lan’s compositions and performances are released on numerous CDs, winning an International Independent Music Awards and multiple nominations by JUNO, Canadian Independent Music Awards, Canadian Folk Music Awards, and Western Canadian Music Awards.
Originally from Taiwan, Lan has studied graphic score with Barry Guy, improvisation with Mary Oliver, Hindustani music with Kala Ramnath, Uyghur music with Abdukerim Osman, and Mongolian horsehead fiddle with Bayar, in addition to her studies of Chinese music since a young age. At the Vancouver Creative Music Institute (2007-2009), she has studied and performed with Han Bennink (Holland), Barry Guy, Evan Parker, John Butcher (UK), Francois Houle, Paul Plimley…etc.
Martin Fisk – percussion
Martin performs in a wide variety of musical styles including Orchestral, Jazz, Chamber, Theatre, Klezmer, World Music and Musical Theatre. Martin has enjoyed playing with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Turning Point Ensemble, Driftwood, Fringe Percussion, Negative Zed, Vancouver New Music, Red Shift Music Society and the Vancouver Opera. Martin has also had the privilege to study music in Indonesia with the renowned gamelan orchestra, Cudamani. Performances include Frank Sinatra Jr. Orchestra, Petula Clarke Orchestra, Vancouver Opera, Vertical Orchestra, Vancouver Olympic Opening Ceremonies, Gateway Theatre and Artsclub.